
  • Celia Besnard blåser glass

    Celia Besnard

    Celia Besnard, studerer glassblåsing ved LP Dominique Labroise i Frankrike. I 2022 vant Besnard gullmedalje i «Un des Meilleurs Apprentis de France », en konkurranse som kårer Frankrikes beste lærlinger, samt en pris fra SMLH (Société des membres de la Légion d’honneur), som årlig deler ut lokale og nasjonale priser til lærlinger. I S12 ønsker hun å få innblikk i hvordan et galleri og verksted for glass drives, samt tilegne seg nye teknikker og metoder for å arbeide med materialet. 

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  • Moonju Suh

    OBS: denne teksten finnes foreløpig kun på engelsk

    Moonju Suh was volunteering as an assistant in S12 in the summer 2019. She is a MFA Glass student from Edinburgh College of Art.

    Her background is in graphic Visual Design, with a particular focus on drawing characters. Most of her early works sought to give viewers a feeling of happiness and playfulness.

    As of 2020, she is finishing in her MFA degree in Glass at Edinburgh College of Art. She is researching and experimenting in glass through blowing, casting, engraving, and coldworking techniques.  Moonju expresses both playfulness as well as other contrasting emotional states through her glass work, by using a kitschy aesthetic, which was inspired from Kidult toy culture, that often obscures the darker tones within.

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  • Ata Turkoglu

    OBS: denne teksten finnes foreløpig kun på engelsk

    Ata Turkoglu researched ways in which S12 can reach artists outside Europe and North America to recruit a more diverse group of artists for the Artist in Residence and Exhibition programs at S12. He also worked with current Artists in Residence to help us understand how to better facilitate artists in the future. Additionally, he communicated with the parents of children in our Sunday programs to help us better assess the successes and shortcomings of this government funded program.

  • Patrícia Šichmanová

    Patricia Sichmanová: praktikant ved S12 i 2016. Fra Bratislava, Slovakia, hvor hun fullførte MFA ved Academy of Fine Arts and Design i 2017. Hennes masterprosjekt vant tredje pris i den internasjonale konkurransen Stanislav Libensky Award, Praha. Hun studerte også metall ved Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge, Rauland, Norge og glass- og keramikkdesign ved Häme University of Applied Sciences, Hämeenlinna, Finland.

    Hun fant inspirasjon i naturen, og det nordiske landskapet hadde stor innvirkning på henne og  på verkene hennes. I 2016 startet hun som praktikant i S12 Galleri og Verksted, hvor hun ferdigstilte masterprosjektet sitt og arbeidet frem til 2020.

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  • Katie Ukleja 

    OBS: denne teksten finnes foreløpig kun på engelsk

    Katie Ukleja was an intern at S12 from October to December 2013.  She has a BA in Art Theory from the College of Fine Arts—University of New South Wales, Australia (2013).  In 2011 she was part of a group of students who visited the Istanbul and Venice Biennales where she participated in a unique course involving intensive on-site research.  She has worked at galleries in Australia, England and now Norway.  While working at S12 she was involved in all aspects of the gallery including planning and realising exhibitions and overseeing the gallery space.  Katie has an interest in contemporary Indigenous art which she intends to focus on during her Masters studies.

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Interns | S12 Galleri og Verksted