Welcome to a presentation and an exhibition in S12 Studio and Gallery.
A retrospective is introducing the artists that have taken part in the AiR in S12 program from 2010 till now. It is to mark the moving of S12 this autumn to a new location in Bontelabo 2 making the retrospective the last exhibition we show in our Gallery in Skostredet.
We will during a period of 9 weeks, introduce all the artists who have taken part in our AiR in S12 program. Every week we will send out a newsletter introducing participating artists, year by year with information on our www page, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and slowly an exhibition will come to life in our Gallery.
The AiR in S12 program was launched in 2010 and has since hosted 48 international artists who work both within and outside the glass field. Its goal is to support international artists who use experimental, conceptual, and innovative approach when working with glass. One to two artists can be hosted at a time, and they are provided with housing, unlimited access to the workshop, assistance, and in many cases the possibility to display their works or arrange an exhibition at the end of their stay. S12’s unique situation, as a combination of an open access workshop that maintains and runs an adjacent gallery and a project room, allows artists, during the development of their work to think about how to best present the work when finished. Located on a street level in the center of town, it has also been possible for the public to meet the artists and to follow the process from experimenting with the material to making and then presenting a completed work.
We welcome you on this journey with us and hope you will enjoy meeting the 48 artists, seeing their works both in the making and when ready in an exhibition.
AiR i S12 has been supported by the City of Bergen from its beginning, and the running of the workshop has been made possible by the Norwegian Arts Council.
Other instances who have supported the program during shorter periods are:
Kulturkontakt Nord/Nordic Culture Point – 1 yr. (2015/16)
Norske kunsthåndverkere 2 yrs (2013/14)