Open Call Gruppeutstilling og gjestekunstneropphold i S12 Bli med å markere Glassets År! I anledning FNs internasjonale glass år i 2022 ønsker S12 å sette søkelyset på norsk glasskunst, gjennom en egen gruppeutstilling for kunstnere som arbeider med glass. Utstillingen kurateres av Mika Drozdowska (PL). 1-2 av kunstnerne som velges ut inviteres til et gjestekunstneropphold i S12 Galleri og Verksted, hvor de får anledning til å eksperimentere i verkstedet,…
Spenning i vente! En dag sol, en dag regn. Vi holder utstillingen 1som/1het åpen gjennom resten av sommeren. Etter sitt besøk i mai skrev Brynhild Winther i nettmagasinet Kusthåndverk: "...For sjølv om alle sanasa er retta utover, oppstår forståinga på innsida. Og slik blir hud eit slags glas mellom "eg" og "verda utanfor". [...] Kanskje må ein somme gonge fragmentere sitt indre, for å gjere det forståeleg." Kom…
Vi ønsker alle en riktig god og gledelig sommer! I juni hadde vi hatt spennende besøk i vårt studio av gjestekunstnerne Terese Longva og Roar Slettebak under vår profil AiR i S12. Terese Longva er regnet som en av Norges fremste performance kunstnere, og har tidligere vært tilknyttet vår faglige stab. I samarbeid med lyd og elektronikk-kunstneren Roar Slettebak fra BEK, vender hun nå tilbake til S12…
Rui Sasaki is an Artist in Residence at S12 during April & May. She is a Japanese conceptual artist mainly using transparent materials such as glass and ice in her work. In S12 she will be investigating the weather - including the rain, local plants, architecture and space - empty spaces, intimate spaces, abandoned spaces. During the first part of her stay, she will be creating new works and showing…
Young & Loving ! Welcome to the 2015 edition, opening on October 2nd at 19.oo Young and Loving! is a humorous translation of “young and promising”, pointing to the exhibition’s focus on newly graduated artists. An exploratory approach to glass as part of an artistic expression is a particular feature of the exhibition concept, which was developed by S12 in 2007. Participating artists are Mika Aoki (jp), Eirin Bjørsland Hansen…
S12 Open Access Studio and Gallery Is looking for a Workshop Manager to join its team for a minimum of one year, starting no later than August/September 2015. S12 is an Open Access Studio and Gallery placed on street level, in the very heart of Bergen, Norway. S12 is a centre for exploration, experimentation and dissemination of contemporary glass art. For a list of equipment, information about our activities…
youth_anasia Solo exhibition with works by John Moran will open on March 20th at 07.oo p.m. The artist will be present. The opening will include music with DJ Henrik Svanevik. Light refreshments. Exhibition closing on Sunday 19th of April. After opening of the exhibition. John Moran will stay on in S12 as an Artist in Residence. Educational activities like UNG 15 & Den Kulturelle Skolesekken will take place every week until May.
RE COVER Exhibition with works by Maria Bang Espersen & Max Syron opening on Friday 13th at 19:00. The opening will include a performance and measurement of your hight. Light White Refreshments. The Creative Sunday School starts again Sunday 15th. Monica and Anett will be in the workshop from 12:oo - 17.oo Maria Bang Espersen and Max Syron will continue their residency in S12 until the end of February. They will…
In our Gallery SÝN, a solo exhibition with works by Æsa Björk continues until 16th of November. Æsa uses many different techniques in her approach to glass (pâte de verre, casting, flame working) in her latest work SÝN from 2014, she has created a big dome using Pâte de verre and video. Saman Kalantari from Iran has been AiR i S12 since October 11th and will stay until November 3rd.…
10th of October we open the exhibition SÝN, a solo exhibition with works by Æsa Björk. The works exhibited are made between 1995 and 2014 (see more under exhibitions 2014). The main medium used is glass and 2 videos are in addition a part of the exhibition. On October 11th Saman Kalantari from Iran arrives in Bergen for his residency. He will be staying with us for 3 weeks. During…